1.2008/09–2011/09, 香港浸会大学, 微生物学, 博士
2.2004/09–2007/03, 天津科技大学, 微生物与生化药学,硕士
3.2000/09–2004/07, 齐齐哈尔大学, 生物工程, 学士
3.2020.11-今 leyu·乐鱼(中国)体育官方网站,生命科学技术学院合成生物学医药研究中心
1. 具体研究领域
2. 课题资助
(3) 国家星火重大项目-环境友好型优质鱼虾配合饲料的示范与推广(2013/1-2015/12,编号2013GA610002,参与)
4. 国家重点研发计划-西式肉制品绿色制造关键技术与装备开发及示范(2018.11-2022.10,编号2018YFD0401205,参与)
5. 天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划重点项目-革胡子鲶抗菌肽提取与鉴别及非特异免疫因子的分子解析(2015.04-2018.03,编号15JCZDJC33500,参与)
3. 取得成果
(1)李涛,白东清等, 一种能够提高叶黄素产量的小球藻培养方法及设备,中国,ZL201510232565.7. 发明专利
(2)李涛,范天国;王晓梅;陈成勋;高金伟, 一种革胡子鲶抗菌肽及提取方法,ZL2016109900194,发明专利
4. 近期代表性论文
[1] Tao Li, Ning Cui, Jiwu Fan, Xinqi Liu, Jianyi Guan, Wenbo Zhang, Yang Li, Qiyu Gao, Yihan Liu*, Yongtao Xu, Lei Wang, Changjiang Guo, and Yan Wang*. Engineering β agarase Aga0917 from Pseudoalteromonas fuliginea YTW1-15 1 to Improve the Thermostability and Enzyme Activity. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2022, 10: 15437-15449. (中科院1区,IF 9.224)
2. Li, T., Chu, X., Yuan, Z., Yao, Z., Li, J., Lu, F., & Liu, Y. (2022). Biochemical and Structural Properties of a High-Temperature-Active Laccase from Bacillus pumilus and Its Application in the Decolorization of Food Dyes. Foods, 11(10), 1387. (中科院 2区,IF 4.3)
3. Li, Tao; Wang, Hongbin; Li, Jingwen; Jiang, Luying; Kang, Hongwei; Guo, Zehui; Wang, Chen; Yang, Wei; Liu, Fufeng; Lu, Fuping; Liu, Yihan ; Enzymatic characterization, molecular dynamics simulation, and application of a novel Bacillus licheniformis laccase, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 167(0): 1393-1405. (中科院1区,IF 6.9)
4. Tao Li, et al. The heterologous expression, characterization and application of a novel laccase from Bacillus velezensis, Science of the Total Environment, 713 (2020) 136713. (第一作者,中科院 1区,IF 6.5)
5.Tao Li,Jieming Ma, et al., Transcriptomic analysis of the influence of methanol assimilation on the gene expression in the recombinant Pichia pastoris producing hirudin variant 3. Genes, 2019, 10, 606. (中科院3区,IF 3.3)
6. Zhi-hui Liu †, Tao Li†, Qing-yu He , Zheng Sun and Yue Jiang, Role of Mitochondria in Regulating Lutein and Chlorophyll Biosynthesis in Chlorella pyrenoidosa under Heterotrophic Conditions, Marine Drugs, 2018, 16, 354. (共同第一作者,中科院 2区,IF 4.4)